Pandabase HTTP API allows developers to interact programmatically with their Pandabase resources using HTTP requests.

The API supports any programming language or framework that can send HTTP requests.

You can use the commands listed below with curl by providing your token.

API Basics

Our API is exposed as an HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 service over TLS. All endpoints live under the URL and generally follow the REST architecture.

Domains and IP addresses

Only HTTPS requests are allowed, any requests made with HTTP will be redirected.

Content Type

All requests must be encoded as JSON with the Content-Type: application/json header. If not otherwise specified, responses from the Pandabase API, including errors, are encoded exclusively as JSON as well.


API keys are necessary for authentication and API usage. Although account session tokens can be used, they are not recommended due to security reasons.

  Authorization: Bearer <api_key>


We include the current version information in the Pandabase-Version response header. Our API versioning follows a date-based structure in the format of YYYY/MM/DD.

Request IDs

Every API request you make is assigned a unique request identifier for easy tracking and troubleshooting. This identifier can be found in the response headers under X-Request-Id. In the rare event if you encounter an issue with our service, providing this request identifier to our support team will expedite the resolution process.